One of the easiest coding languages to learn at a young age is Python. It is also the most used language among tech companies. So the question is, is python for kids a good idea? Python is easy for kids who do not have even basic knowledge of programming.

Python is easy to read, write, and understand.

Also, if your kid is showing some interest in programming, then Python is the best language to turn their interest into a passion real quick.

But what makes python so interesting and fun? Let’s understand some of the advantages of Python

1. Easy to use

If we compare Python to other languages, it is a much easier language to learn. In fact, one of the easiest languages to learn. Whether you are a beginner, or advanced level programmer. The code is very easily understandable. And Python does not use any such semi-colons or parentheses.

It is also platform-independent. It means that you can use a python program in both Mac and Windows at the same time.

As Python programs are easily readable, thus, it is used by most IT companies in their software products.

2. Growing Popularity

Python’s popularity has gone up to a whole new level. It is growing and growing. And this does not seem to stop any soon. There are plenty of reasons for that which we will discuss later in the blog.

With the growth of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Python has become the most famous language used in this domain. It outranked Java and is about to outrank C too.

Apart from AI and Data Science, Python’s use can be seen in many industries. Healthcare, Education, Banking, and more such industries use Python. Due to Python’s readability, it makes it versatile to be used by non-programmers too.

3. Seems to Stay for a Long Time

The future in the IT industry will use data a lot to make business decisions. Data Analytics and business analytics are dependent on the same language. They use python to monitor and visualize data. Since the industry is growing every day, it needs more data to analyze its outcomes.

Apart from the data stuff, the healthcare industry is rigorously using Python in various ways. With Python, better diagnosis can be achieved. It can also build better healthcare systems to improve patient monitoring and evaluation.

In the education industry, python can help to automate activities like grading, attendance monitoring, etc.

Overall, Python has its use in most industries, and it’s still in the development phase. So we can easily conclude that this language will stay in the game for a much longer time than you can imagine.

4. Good Career

Python has transformed the future of programming to a whole new level. It is very much legal to say that choosing python as a career will be a great choice. Python is still growing. And there are so many open job opportunities out there.

Fresh computer science graduates can easily learn python and acquire a job with a good payroll in the industry.

(Read more about Good Career Opportunities here)

Career Opportunities in Python:

  • Data Scientist
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • AI Expert
  • Software Developer
  • Technical Architect
  • Quality Assurance Engineer

5. Lots of Libraries and Methods

Yes, you heard it right!

Python comes with a huge number of methods and libraries. But what are they? Are they important? Yes. They are!

A library is a reusable chunk of code present in the system itself, which you can use in the python program. They come into your system when you install Python.

For example, if you want to reverse a digit, you can just use the reverse() function available in python. Instead of writing the whole algorithm, you can just use the function that is already available in the system.

All these libraries and methods combined make it really easy to write code in very little time. Developers can write huge chunks of code really fast.

6. Efficient

Despite being a slow language, python is said to be very efficient. But why? The reason is, it is very productive as compared to other languages like c++, or Java.

The syntax is very concise, easy to understand, and requires very less lines of code to perform the same operations as compared to other languages.

This makes newbies learn and develop in Python very easily. As a fact, Python codes are 4-5 times shorter than Java codes. Reading and understanding python programs are easier thus it improves the code readability to a huge extent.

No doubt that python is a slow language than its alternatives. But looking at its competitors, it can easily overrun them as businesses nowadays do not really look at the speed if they get the job done in a very less timeframe.

7. Secure

Looking at the current situation, python is used by most cybersecurity professionals these days. Python is recommended to be the most beneficial language for these professionals as it can operate so many tasks that are being used in cybersecurity.

Many useful libraries for cybersecurity are already available in Python which is also an important reason for choosing Python in this domain.

Apart from cybersecurity, Python, in general, has the lowest amount of high vulnerabilities, With frequent updates in Python, it is becoming more secure every day.

This makes Python for kids is very beneficial as kids will learn about various security risks that revolve around the IT ecosystem.

Python can be a great start for those kids who have enough knowledge of programming and wants to learn cybersecurity soon at a young age.

8. Easy Syntax

Another great benefit of teaching this language is Python’s easy syntax. Python for kids is a very easy language to start. As discussed, Python requires very little code to operate a task. This means it has a very easy syntax. It’s easy to write a code in Python than in most other languages.

To print a simple word in Python, you just need to write the following code and it will print the same. It goes like this:

INPUT: print (“Hello World!”)

OUTPUT: Hello World!

It is very easy to write programs in Python if you are a beginner. It was designed to be a very readable language. Even a beginner with very limited knowledge of programming can read a basic python code and explain how it will work.

Another example showing its easy syntax:

INPUT: print(2+5)


Anyone having no idea of programming can tell the output of this basic command.

9. Open-source

Another good thing about Python is that it is an open-source programming language and free to use commercially. It means that anyone can view a python source code freely.

It also has a huge and growing ecosystem with a variety of open-source packages and libraries.

The source code of Python is available on the official website. This allows everyone to see how the language was made.

Open-source refers to something that can be modified and shared as the design is publicly available. This way, anyone who wants to learn can learn how the language was designed and share their insights with the world.

Anybody can use python to learn to program. They can download it from their official website

10. Big Community

Python’s community is vast and growing. It aims to diversify the coding ecosystem and supports the growth of developers around the globe.

They are enthusiastic and dedicated to spreading the use of the language far and wide. The Python Community can help support the beginner, the expert, and adds to the ever-increasing open-source knowledge base.

Anyone in the community can get great support from experts and help themselves become better coders.

It also provides a weekly newsletter that includes news, articles, jobs, and other important stuff related to Python.


Python is a great language for beginners. Kids can learn this language and build great applications themselves. It is growing, it will stay for a long time, and it is easy to learn. All these benefits add up to make Python one of the most famous language of all time

If you are a parent and you want your kids to learn Python, then please visit Codevidhya. We prove quality coding classes to kids from the age of 6 to 16. You can also book a FREE Demo Session with our expert trainers and learn more about our Python courses.